Terms and Conditions

1. Rates Application: 

Rates are applicable only when invoiced to the specified account. When an agreement features both the per unit rate and per hundred weights (CWT), precedence will be given to the per unit rates. 

2. Fuel Surcharge: 

Subject to change weekly without notice, in accordance with fuel prices. Check invoices for updates as well as our website (https://www.mbwcourier.ca/shipping/fuel-surcharge ). 

3. Method of Payment: 

All freight charges are to be prepaid or guaranteed fully by the consignor if charges are to be collected. MBW Courier is happy to continue to offer collect service to streamline your billing process. To facilitate this, please be sure to include the five-digit account number of the recipient in the reference field. Failure to indicate the account number in this field will default the charge back to the shipper’s account. 

4. Terms of Payment: 

The account balance is due in the thirty (30) days from the statement date. When an invoice exceeds thirty (30) days the balance is subject to an interest charge of 1.5% per month and overdue accounts may be placed on COD without notice. Failure to meet the credit terms can lead to the cancellation of your preferred rate. Shipments following the credit default will be based on our general MBW tariff. 

5. Claims 

Liability: Carrier’s liability is limited to $2.00 per pound based on actual weight for loss or damage of goods unless the value is declared, and additional insurance is purchased. All freight must be paid before any claims can be processed and at no time will payment of freight charges be withheld due to unsettled claims. No liability will be assumed by MBW Courier Inc. for claims under $30.00. 

Time to Claim: In the event of a claim for concealed damage not discovered at the time of delivery, customer must promptly provide MBW with written notice after discovery of the damage, and in any event not later than sixty (60) days after the date of delivery. All claims for loss must be made by the customer in writing within sixty (60) days of the delivery date or, in the event of non-delivery you will have six (6) months from the shipment date. 

Packaging: MBW assumes no liability for any loss or damage due to improper packing or marking of shipments. Clients must protect all Items; we will not ship any packages that does not have any form of packaging or protection. MBW reserves the right to deem a package unprotected at any point in the delivery, the item will then be at shippers’ risk and no claim will be paid out. 

Shippers Risk: Shipments containing glass, liquids, ceramics, items requiring temperature control, perishable items or personal items accepted by MBW will travel at the shipper’s risk on a no-value basis. MBW will not be liable for loss or damage for package and shipments deemed as Shipper’s Risk commodities. 

Declared Value: In no event shall there be a declared value of more than $5,000 and any value declared more than the same will be considered invalid. The shipment value must be declared on the Bill of lading at the time of pickup and be shipped following the terms provided. 

Circumstances beyond MBW’ Control: MBW assumes no liability in the event of loss, damage, delay, mis-delivery, or failure to deliver a shipment due to circumstances beyond MBW’s control. These situations involve actions, mistakes, or oversights by the sender or any related party. They also encompass problems related to the nature of the shipment, incorrect markings, or address issues – even if we were aware of them when accepting the shipment. This exemption extends to Acts of God, Force majeure, civil unrest, interruptions in communication and information systems, labor strikes, or disturbances in labor operations. 

Waybills: Due to the inability to scan Waybill packages, MBW will not process any loss or damage claims for these deliveries. 

Loss after delivery: If the delivery photo shows that the package has made it to the destination and the GPS codes on delivery match receivers’ address, no claim will be paid. 

6. Insurance: 

A maximum of $1000.00 of additional insurance may be purchased at a rate of $2.00 per hundred of value declared. 

7. Re-weigh: 

MBW Couriers reserves the right to reweigh and evaluate additional transportation charges during any time of delivery. In the absence of a declared shipment weight, MBW will presume a weight of 15 lbs. 

8. Cubing: 

MBW reserves the right to Cube all shipments. Dimensional weight is the space-to-weight ratio of a package. The rate will be charged based on the greater of the dimensional weight or the actual weight of each shipment for your shipments. 

Cubic Footage calculated as H”x W”x L”/ 1728=cubic feet x 10 = cubic weight. 

Please see additional information regarding Cubing at the end of this document. Dimensional rating will only be applied on a case-by-case basis as required. If you have any questions, please contact customer service. 

9. Dangerous Goods: 

Dangerous goods will be $41.25 per shipment for all service points. The shipper is responsible for providing proper paperwork to the driver if paperwork is not provided or improperly labeled the shipment will not be accepted. If MBW finds that Dangerous Goods have not been declared an $100 charge will be added to the shippers account and the package will not be moved until proper paperwork is provided. If the transportation of unlabeled/improperly dangerous goods results in fines, penalties or damages the shipper will absorb all costs. 

10. Offline Points: 

The minimum rate is $19.00 per delivery. 

11. Power Tailgate Service: 

$42.00 per usage of the power tailgate, this applies to pickups and drop-offs. 

12. Cleaning: 

There will be a $150 minimum charge for any cleanup required due to leakage of customer products. Included but not limited to engine oil, transmission fluid, paint products, etc. If leakage results in damage to other freight, the shipper will be responsible for replacing those items. 

13. Consequential Loss:

 Carrier will not accept responsibility for consequential loss or damage.