
Reliable & cost-effective transport services

Same-Day Delivery

Same-Day Delivery

With terminals located across the region, MBW provides same-day service with confidence. Click to see locations and cut-off times.
Next-Day Delivery

Next-Day Delivery

If you need it there tomorrow, we will deliver! MBW provides next-day service to virtually all locations in the Maritimes.
MBW Logistix

MBW Logistix

MBW Logistix has been established to support the needs of our growing clientele throughout Nova Scotia.
Fuel Surcharges

Fuel Surcharges

MBW's surcharges fluctuate in accordance with fuel prices. Please click to see a list of most recent fuel surcharges.
Package Tracking

Package Tracking

Track all the details of your shipment — estimated arrival times, delivery confirmation, recipient sign-offs — by using our new online tool.
Question Mark Icon

How-To Guide

Not sure how to enter your job information/print a label on MBW's shipping platform?

Unsure how to track a package from your client portal?

Click to see MBW's handy 'How To' documents
Notices Icon

Important Notices


Welcome to the New MBW Website!

We’re excited to introduce you to our freshly redesigned website, currently in soft launch. As we fine-tune the experience, we encourage you to explore and get familiar with the new features.  

If you encounter any issues or have any feedback, please don’t hesitate to let us know – the team at MBW is here and happy to assist!  

Thank you for your support, and we hope you enjoy the new site!  

Tires & Auto Parts

Tires & Auto Parts

Medical Supplies

Medical Supplies

Packaging Supplies

Packaging Supplies

Plumbing Supplies

Plumbing Supplies

Temp Controlled Goods

Temp Controlled Goods

Alcohol & Spirits

Alcohol & Spirits

Legal Documents

Legal Documents

Electrical Supplies

Electrical Supplies

Your Package, Our Promise

Some of the main freight categories for which we’ve developed our reputation for safe, reliable and cost-efficient transport. Last year, we handled well beyond half a million deliveries, so rest assured, "If we can move it safely, we'll move it."

And More!
just give us a call 1-800-279-6952